2.3 IT Flex Friday

Flex Friday

Event Date and Time:

02/03/2023: (08:55 AM - 04:15 PM)

Registration Window:

01/31/2023 08:00 am - 05/03/2023 01:00 pm


IT pathway students attend school and sign up for IT related sessions!

Register for this event.
Edit | Delete | Attendee Report
  • Tutoring Hour Students can visit a teacher or work quietly in the provided workspaces. (08:55 am - 09:55 am) [ Edit ] [ Delete ]
  • Morning Session Select a pathway session to attend. (10:00 am - 12:00 pm) [ Edit ] [ Delete ]
  • Ted Talk Session Attend Ted Talk (12:05 pm - 12:35 pm) [ Edit ] [ Delete ]
  • Midday Session CTSO Meetings/Independent Work (12:35 pm - 01:00 pm) [ Edit ] [ Delete ]
  • Afternoon Session Select a pathway session to attend. (02:00 pm - 04:00 pm) [ Edit ] [ Delete ]